Monday, September 28, 2009

B'yond the Unholy Grave

Read the greater part of "Bail Wolf" with Sunn O))), Burzum and Drudkh providing sound accompaniment while semi-watching To Catch A Predator.

I'm working on some illegible logos for my sound/music thing I'm trying to accomplish. It's going to be kult and unavailable and stuff and have angular squished up logos but don't get any ideas about genre.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


The episode of To Catch a Predator with the naked guy is on. Not the wannabe cat fucker but the guy who was talking to little boys on the internet a day after he got caught.

Today I was listening to these two albums a lot.

Day Time: James Ferraro-Clear
DXM Sunshine music with what sounds like the soundtrack from an employee training vid in the background.

Night Time:

Wolves in The Throne Room-Two Hunters. Pretty much dank broadleaf forest type jams